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May 18, 2022

PBC Parent and Caregiver Support Group Series

PBC Parent and Caregiver Support Group Series

May 18, 2022

Parenting Black Children's parent support open drop in hours every Wednesday, 10 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Especially for parents & caregivers of Black/African Americans with developmental disabilities. Ask questions, share a concern or comment about regional centers and special education. For more information visit


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Autismo y estimulación

Autismo y estimulación

May 18, 2022

El comportamiento de autoestimulación se conoce como stimming en la comunidad de tratamiento de TEA. Ejemplos de esto son agitar las manos, golpearse la cabeza, mecerse, hablar repetitivamente (ecolalia) e incluso gritar. Si bien no existe un consenso total sobre por qué el stimming es tan frecuente entre las personas con autismo, la creencia generalizada es que se realiza como un acto de autoconsuelo para autorregular los sentimientos de ansiedad, miedo, ira o emoción.

Escuche a Kelly Londenberg, una adulta autista y asistente de terapia ocupacional pediátrica licenciada que trabaja en un entorno escolar sobre la estimulación desde una perspectiva sensorial.


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Webinar: Autism and Stimming

Webinar: Autism and Stimming

May 18, 2022

Sponsored by Autism Society Inland Empire

Self-stimulatory behavior is known as stimming in the ASD treatment community. Examples of this are hand flapping, head banging, rocking, repetitive speech (echolalia) and even screaming. While there isn’t a full consensus as to why stimming is so prevalent among people with Autism, but the widely held belief is that it’s done as an act of self-soothing to self-regulate feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, or excitement.

Come hear from Kelly Londenberg, an autistic adult and licensed pediatric occupational therapy assistant working in a school-based setting about stimming from a sensory perspective.


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